Are You Ready to Be Free?
Body Mind and Spiritual Freedom is Here for you!
Freedom in Spirits, Brings Forward Financial Freedom
It’s Time to Release the Patterns.
Go From:
“Spiritually Bankrupt” to “Spiritually Rich”
There you are.
It is time to move beyond feeling lonely, experience anxiety, because of what you have been through and seen. It is time to move beyond failed relationships. To be honest, you have not failed, the broken relationships are not the end. It is time for you to move beyond the imprisonment of your mind. We have the solution and it starts with a better understanding of how you show up in relationships.
We are Sid and Liz and we have been there. Right where you are. Liz experienced the death of her father at 20 years old, and went down a dark road as she felt alone in her grief. Sid was looking for connection in so many places. On the job, marriages that failed, relationships that would alter the course of his life.
We made it through tough moments. Yes it was hard work. We made it to the other side. The pains of being alone, knowing something is wrong and knowing deep down we did not belong was overwhelming at times.
It was through transforming our connection to ourselves that we began a journey to happiness.
When we started we had our journey within. We each moved through in our way with help from others. We then made a commitment to get through. We sold everything in our house. Packed some clothes and hit the road for 32,000 miles and through several countries.
No you don’t have to leave everything, yet there is a path less traveled and we are here to help you get there.
Do you feel you are banging your head against a wall?
Are you ready to break the cycles?
The world faces many challenges.
We are here for you.
Experience the results. Experience happiness and winning relationships.
Now is time for more hope, and a hopeful path forward.
The McNairy Method is about you and getting you to the results you are looking for in your life. We know that as the world continues to move through this crisis we all have work to do. We will never go back to the old days. The McNairy Method is here to do just that, get you to happiness. The first step is to join in our free teachings. Build your foundation and implement it all in your life today.
Your happiness is here for you.
We are excited for you because we have been there. We also have gotten on to the other side. This is about you and you taking your steps to happiness. Look at your life, how much has passed, will you choose to stay where you are or to move forward. We are all on a walk and it will end. We chose to live the best life we could and it is greener on the other side. We are ready to walk with you.
Bethany Ullig
Testimonial Video
Founder of Awoke Buddha
Miami, FL USA
Dr. Michelle Donice Gillis
Video Testimonial
Writer Yogi and Chief Consultant with North Star, LLC
Geena Cantalupo
Video Testimonial
1LT Army National Guard Yogi, Dog Trainer, Healed Soul North Carolina, USA