Let your voice be heard!


Wednesdays 8:30am EST

โ€œPeace Talksโ€ is a platform that promotes unity, peace, love, respect, and joy for all. It is a platform where every voice is heard and valued, regardless of one's background, beliefs, politics, sexual orientation, diet, skin color, education, abilities, attire, income, or past mistakes. Peace Talks is not a competition, but a program that embraces diversity and encourages individuals to share their unique gifts with the world. As we listen and connect with each other through Peace Talks, it becomes clear that we have much more in common than we have differences. We are all interconnected and united as one.

We are ONE!


Peace Talks WIN as you join the stage!

We are here to support everyone. No matter your race, gender, or religion.

We are here to grow together and elevate as one.

Are you interested in spreading a message to elevate humanity?

Do you care for others? Are you looking for a stage?

We are here for you!

    Step 1  Start here download The Art of Peaceful Living app!

    Step 2 Join In to Peace Talks

(this is to cover expenses of processing your application as we are building as we go)

     Step 3 Join the Jayne Talk Facebook group and typeโ€ฆ โ€œYour voice deserves to be heardโ€  

Step 5 Spread the word. This is for all!