“I Am…”
A new code to live by!
Peace is the Power to Live By!
My P.O.W.E.R. - My Peace Offers Wellness Everyone RISE
I have been reflecting on the state of the world as I know it. I have come to realize that the way we all see the world is only true because it is how I the seer sees it to be so. I have learned many extensions of the truth from those before me.
“In the beginning was the word. And the word was God.” John 1:1 / The Bible
“All of war is deception.” Sun Tzu / Art of War
There are many parts of the truth and yet in my time I have discovered four truths that are guiding lights to the evolution of a Seeker of Truth. Here are two:
“All of life is determined by your connection.”
“Because I know the power of my thoughts I will only entertain positive thoughts.”
Here are Two of the reasons people continue to repeat the patterns of old:
They are unaware of how they are creating their life.
They have yet to move forward from a place of accountability and take responsibility to move forward.
The overall suffering in the world today comes from the idea of separation. The illusion starts here in the concept that anything can be separated from the whole. In this mindset it reveals an opportunity for the end of the chaos in the world.
We are the Seekers of Truth
We are the Seekers of Truth. When I pause and take a look at why the world is suffering, I know it is suffering that is a reflection of what is going on within me. By taking the time to investigate my mind and thoughts, I will discover that my reality is a direct reflection of what is going on in my head.
The Seeker of Truth is ready, willing and able to transform the world from inside out. Like the wisdom of the spider a Seeker of Truth is creating their world from within through our connection to the web we weave.
A Seeker of Truth is someone who is living a life for the betterment of all wo-mankind. A Seeker of Truth has taken to being the example of how the world can evolve from the Power of Peace. A Seeker of Truth walks in many different ways: a healer, a faith seeker, a leader, a meditator, a teacher, an executive, a communicator, or a humanitarian. A Seeker of Truth is anyone living life to elevate the world for the next seven generations to come.
A Seeker of Truth is committed to making a stand for all, and is willing to do all they can to leave the world in a stronger way than they received it.
The Creed
I am a Seeker of Truth and my walk in this life is to be an example for all that is great in this world and an example of Agape Love.
I know that in the beginning of all was the word and I choose my words wisely. I allow my thoughts to mirror the world I wish to see.
I am true to my word as a Seeker of Truth knows that in the end my word is all I have. I live the life I wish to leave to others as my example is the greatest teaching I can offer.
As a Seeker of Truth I have sat and observed nature as it is the teacher of how all things are part of the circle of life.
I am a Seeker of Truth and through any mastery I can be seen with an inner gaze that is directed within my soul. As I go in I have created a connection from my heart that guides others within themselves.
Through my journey I have recognized that there are many paths to the truth. I have learned many lessons and live the lessons that have crossed my path.
As a Seeker of Truth I see the beauty of the world and see all beings as liberated. As they teach me my connection to the source.
I am a Seeker of Truth and I know that as I grow my Peace in the world I see God’s love increase. My walk as a Seeker of Truth allows me to see with the sight that all is a direct reflection of what is going on within me. As I walk the Red Road I see the reflection of the divine in all.
I am a Seeker of Truth and my journey is that of perfection, designed from perfection for the perfection of all that is. I know that all parts of my life are designed in perfection of all that is, nothing more and nothing less.
Peace is the power to live by.
I am at peace.
I commit to peace with every breath that I take.
Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.
I am a Seeker of Truth and a stand for all who have been, all who are and all who will be.
I am a Seeker of Truth and so are you!