The R.I.S.E. Show

Weekly Show Mondays 8:00pm - Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00am all time are EST


Mondays 8:00pm EST / Tuesdays & Fridays 8:00am EST

The R.I.S.E. Show is a platform that promotes unity, peace, love, respect, and joy for all. It is a platform where every voice is heard and valued, regardless of one's background, beliefs, politics, sexual orientation, diet, skin color, education, abilities, attire, income, or past mistakes. R.I.S.E. is not a competition, but a program that embraces diversity and encourages individuals to share their unique gifts with the world. As we listen and connect with each other through Peace, it becomes clear that we have much more in common than we have differences. We are all interconnected and united as one.

We are ONE! R.I.S.E. Real Impact Supports Everyone


  Join the community and connect with like minded friends.

Spread the word. This is for all!