Siddharta’s Golden Thread
Discover a personalized tool for spiritual connection with Siddharta's Golden Thread—custom-designed prayer beads that reflect the essence of your individual journey. Each set is more than an accessory; it’s a companion on your path to deeper connection with the creator of all that is.
Crafted for Your Spiritual Evolution
These prayer beads are not just tools but a bridge to your inner self, helping you cultivate a personal relationship with the Living Buddha and the Living Christ within. Through The Practice, you’ll be empowered to C.R.E.A.T.E. (Consciously Realize Every Aspect To Evolve) the life of your dreams.
Siddharta's Golden Thread: Custom Prayer Beads for Your Journey
Why 108 Beads?
The 108 beads hold deep spiritual significance. This sacred number represents spiritual completeness, echoed in ancient texts and the 108 names of God. Even the universe reflects this balance: the distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 108 times the distance from Earth to the Moon. Each cycle of mantra chanting on these beads during meditation completes a full spiritual journey.
When you order your custom prayer beads, Sid will connect with your energy to design a set specifically for you. You’ll also receive a personalized mantra to guide your meditation and spiritual practice, enhancing your communication with the creator—prayer for speaking and meditation for listening.
Your Personalized Experience
““The Kingdom of God is within you.” -Luke 17:21
Your Companion on the Path
Much like the rosary or mala beads, Siddharta's Golden Thread is a lifelong companion, supporting your journey inward and strengthening your connection with all that is.
Thank you for choosing to deepen your relationship with the creator. Your personalized prayer beads are here to support and walk with you on this sacred path.
It’s Your Journey Live It In Every Way!