Our 5 Day Meditation


In 1978 I was given a gift that has established a foundation for my life. Today I want to give you the same gift. I am actually going to give you two gifts.

1. The gift of the Nahi Meditation System. For 5 days you are able to go through the foundation of the system. All you have to do is swipe right here. Enjoy the process, stay true to you and get all that you can. Then keep going. After 40 years the gift of meditation continues to elevate my life in every way.

2. The second gift is a free opportunity to get on a call and share a cup of tea. You bring your tea and for 30 minutes we will sit and talk. Let’s see just what we can create. 

Ok let’s allow this to be the best year ever. 

Enjoy the next 5 days.

Thank you for giving yourself this gift!