It starts with you. Dive in this 30 Day challenge and see what is possible as you step into your unfolding. Peace starts now!


Now is your opportunity to get clear so you can start creating your dream life. Everyone has one thing in common, we dream. At this moment, you can begin to dream your life into the greatness you are destined for. Here is a daily practice that we use for the Art of Peaceful Living. It is time to CREATE.



C is for Centering

When you wake up, something is calling you forward. "What you seek, is seeking you." -Rumi. 

Our start of the day is to embrace noble silence. Through meditation and clearing, we come into alignment with our highest calling. Meditation at the foundation is a 15-minute transformation tapping into Source. In this meditation space, it is advantageous to become clear. Clear is to be fully present to the pulse in your heart that will guide you home. 


R is for Research

There is a great deal of research to be done in this life. From the day we are born, we are curious about the things that we do not know. In the Art of Peaceful Living, we embrace the understanding that we are here to learn. Through reading and listening, we open up to all of the wonders of the universe. Spending time daily opening up to what you don't know, you don't know, allows you to live your most abundant life.


E is for Elevate

We are here to evolve and elevate in every way. It is time for us to create a string of thought to apply the tools that move us towards our highest self-expression. The use of mantras and "I am" statements will begin to program your thoughts consciously and override the unconscious thought patterns that hold us in the past. (Goal Setting, Your Desires)


A is for Awakening

It is in the awakening state that we are able to advance. The moment that I realize that I am not present is when I have the opportunity to step into the present. By taking this step into the present moment, I have just entered into the space of creating. By journaling, we allow ourselves to open up to the free flow of the creative energy available to call our dreams forward. (Affirmations)


T is for training

Training can be performed in different ways, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We use various modalities to move into the space of training. Yoga, mental discipline, and exercise are exceptional access points for us to step into a higher frequency. Continue to align, as this is your time to shine.


E is for Experience

Experience all of life's pleasures by becoming more conscious of how you create your life. Our closing thoughts at the end of the night are often the first things we think about in the morning. The more mindful we become of how our thoughts are created, the more effortlessly we will experience a day geared toward our dream life. At this point, through our prayers and as we prepare for the moments to come, it is time to manifest, create, and connect to Source.



How the Challenge Works

Over the next 30 days, you are challenged to open up your steps to greatness as you CREATE your lifestyle and leap into your inner greatness. 

Here are the tools to build your practice:

The challenge is here to help you establish a new operating system to move forward with your life. Every step you take is a step in a new direction to move you beyond. It is said that an idle mind is the devil's playground. Your current state has been created by the thoughts and programs running in the background of your mind. Now is the time for you to CREATE a new and live that new every day to come. 

CRE- The morning practice is 30 minutes and will kick start your day. 

ATE- The second half of your day is 25 minutes to continue on a new path and allow space to build the best version of yourself. 

C for Centering 15 minutes: Meditation and Clearing are the foundation to building a practice that allows you to develop a solid foundation to move forward from where you are. Each day you will wake up and develop your 30 minute morning practice. The first half is to sit for 15 minutes, or longer if you choose. You will receive access to guided meditations to get started. Know that we want you to be able to maintain a life practice that will successfully move you forward for a lifetime.

R for Research 10 minutes: Reading is a second part of establishing greatness. Many successful people have been asked what they do to develop a flow that has helped them move forward, and reading to expand their knowledge base, stretch their minds, and go beyond what they know has been a part of their process. Let's go and see what can open up for you.

E for Elevate 5 minutes: "I am" statements are a great way to start a new program. "I am" statements begin to process what you are looking to step into as the future unfolds. You may also take this time to visualize what you are looking to bring forward or manifest for your day or life in any given way.

A for Awakening 10 minutes: Journaling is an excellent way to manifest your dreams and aspirations. Each day you will take the time to allow yourself to commit to you, to send your life in the direction of your highest good. Take the time to look at what is there for you. When we take the time to write with pen and paper, we start to bring things into the third dimension of reality, and it begins to manifest from this space alone.

T for Training 15 minutes: Yoga and/or Exercise, get out and move. When we see a stagnant pond, what do you observe? Possibly covered in sediment and tends to stink. The same can be said when we are sedentary. Now is the time for you to get up and move your body. 30 days! You got this, get out and flow through.

E for Experience 5 minutes: Mindfulness, set up the night before, and CREATE the thoughts and action steps to move you forward in living a life from the Art Of Peaceful Living. Now is your chance to get started and live the life of your dreams. Look for your email to allow your mindset to be aligned for the following day. We see miracles happen over and over as people allow themselves to step into the remarkable shifts. Yours are waiting for you to get started so let's start today! 

The way to the top is one step at a time. We are ready to step with you!