Life Empowerment Coach

You are what is needed in the world. Because you are checking into this program shows that you are ready to be of service and help all. It is the first thought that allows each of us to move forward into a great life for all. As you become a “Life Empowerment Coach” you step into a place to help all move beyond where we have been to date.

To be a therapist you start down a long process where clients are seen and work in the health care system to be systematically observed and diagnosed to shift a problem. During therapy one will look at past problems to see what are the past actions creating the reality of a person today. By going through the therapy process one is looking back into the past in order to create a brighter future.

A “Life Empowerment Coach” is an individual who guides a client through a long or short term process to create an operating system that brings forward inner power to find peace in all situations going forward.  In “Life Empowerment Coaching,'‘ a client works with a coach, not a healthcare professional, that helps a client align their goals with their actions and live them out. The system that a coach uses takes the client’s from the basics of understanding the truth and what is created in their mind. A life empowerment coach helps a client transform their life so they can live the life of their dreams.


What makes up a “Life Empowerment Coach?”

  • A Life Empowerment Coach is here to listen and help see what is possible

  • A Life Empowerment Coach will not diagnose and removes the idea of a label

  • A Life Empowerment Coach focuses on how actions create a reaction or result in life

  • A Life Empowerment Coach, like a Therapist, creates positive outcomes in the lives of clients

  • A client can choose what will work for them and a Life Empowerment Coach will support them no matter what they decide



As a “Life Empowerment Coach” you will

  • As as life empowerment coach you will have the opportunity to participate in the Global Y.A.L.E. twice a year

  • As as life empowerment coach you will have the opportunity to lead your own group process of Life Empowerment

  • As as life empowerment coach you will have the opportunity to guide others through One on One Empowerment Coaching

  • As as life empowerment coach you will have the opportunity to work with families and kids


Where to start
