Join in a meditative space to connect within.
Through conscious breathing clear the walls that have held you back.
Get ready for a journey within for self discovery
Shamans Journey, is a 2 hour healing workshop.
Breathwork with Guided Meditation to Journey
This workshop is designed to break down blocks or walls from the past to present, allowing you to become fully connected to your highest self and source.
Be guided into a meditative state through guided conscious breathwork. Allow your conscious breathing to break down what no longer serves you and begin your journey of self discovery within.
Emotional release, mental clarity, physical freedom, the alignment of your chakras, inner peace, and a greater sense of connection to self are some of the things you can expect to experience from this 2 hour workshop.
Sid McNairy will be your guide, teacher, and facilitator for this amazing event. He is a healer, a mindset empowerment coach, certified yoga teacher and leader in meditation.
This is an event you want to attend, I promise!