Relationship Success Starts Here
When you have been in a hole, the way out is often unknown. The first step in the law of holes is to stop digging. You have made the first step by beginning to look into how to move forward. Here are a few ways to make your shift. Let’s see how we can do this together and W.I.N. at life in this moment. What is it you are looking for? Ask that question. Now let’s go get you that W.I.N. What’s Important Now?
12 Week Program
The 12 week program will walk you through three stages to stand strong and find your happiness from this program forward.
Stage 1: “Finding the Golden Buddha Within.” Go in and see just where you have been stuck in your pattern and get free. Through the experiences that Sid and Liz have had you will uncover your personal ways forward. Having the perspectives to see you all will unfold in due time. Sid and Liz have over 70,000 hours between the two of them in helping others find their power. You can find your as well. The time is now.
Stage 2: “Open to Receive the One.” It is time to understand how you have brought your level of love forward in you life. At this stage you are ready to receive what you have been looking for. The real blessing is what you have been looking for has been waiting for you. Now let’s bring it all in.
Stage 3: “Love the Life You've Earned.” Now that we have worked through the process it is time to bring your dream forward. “Love is the reflection of your connection to the source.” -The Universal Council Lets get this done. From your connection we will find your way home.
Everything in life is based on your relationship to it. No matter what it is you are seeking, it is time to have a better relationship with it in every way. Let’s get your power back and create the relationship of your dreams.
The Hail Mary
This is your last shot to heal your relationship
A rose moves through some of the toughest conditions to bloom. It can withstand the rain, the sun, hail, sleet, frost, you name it. Yet if the roots are ripped up, it will die. “The Hail Mary” is an opportunity to see clearly where you are and move forward. When you have made it to the point of calling in “The Hail Mary,” it is time to score the touchdown or as you may know deep down you are done. Have you come to a point that life is a battle? Have you found that your best moments sitting around with a drink in hand either ends with hot passionate sex or a heated fight? Or maybe you just disappear in the night in your separate corners?
We get it. Now is your chance to make a shift that will bring you to Peace and move forward in a way that serves your highest good. “The Hail Mary” is set up to move through four weeks at a time. We will pause at the end of each block and see just where we are. We are committed to walking with you until common ground is reach and as a team we score the ultimate touchdown.
We are here and we have set the stage to get you through this time. We want to spend time with you to move forward. This is how we roll. It is about helping you move forward, period. So it will take commitment from all involved and we will get there together. We are committed to seeing you through.
Group Work
Group Work has been around for the history of wo-man kind. Now is your chance to join the tribe that is growing together in every way. When you find your vibe you will have landed in your tribe. Join us for Sunday conversations and energy work to reach higher ground.
The Community Circle starts at 8:30pm and goes for 60 - 90 minutes based on what is moving through the group. Join in now! Know that you cancel your monthly membership at any point or join in for a single session this Sunday.