Power and Peace Solution
Sid and Liz McNairy
Peace wins every time. Divinely aligned Sid and Liz win together in love and life, uniting the world with their shared mission of ultimate empowerment through peace. Liz's intuitive gifts of communication, love and grace balance Sid's peace-centered power, and together they deliver an awakening recognition of the inherent power of each person's natural-born peace. Through retreats, workshops, and meetings, they guide others to remember the power of peace while walking the path, activating the unlimited potential for winning within. With lifetimes of wins, the McNairys’ presence and guidance enable everyone to tap into their own wins in relationships, work, health, and overall well-being, on and off the field. It’s time to elevate to the state of inner and outer peace; that’s when we all win in all ways. Sid and Liz stand together for the power of peace—the power to win in everything!
Sid is the architect of the Art of Peaceful Living. On his third vision quest Sid received his Native American name “He Who Brings Peace” and took on the mission to bring peace to the world. Many have found that when in Sid’s presence they are able to experience peace like no other. Sid is an international best selling author and enjoys walking with you to experience life to the fullest.
Liz is a school counselor and certified yoga teacher. It is in her time with kids Liz enjoys life and spreading love felt by all. Liz is stepping into a new realm as she is set to write with Sid their first book together. “The Search for the Perfect Wave,” is due to release in February 2022. Their vast experiences will help you elevate your life around yoga, relationships, and more. Get ready to be inspired to live your best life ever.
Between Sid and Liz is over 75,000 of training teachers and inspiring others. You will be moved as you “Awaken Your Spirit,” like never before.
Liz and Sid are often asked what is their secret to the love they share. Their answer is simple. “We did the work on ourselves, so when it came to finding our other half our reflection fits.”
Sid McNairy
"He Who Brings Peace" Sid McNairy sparks peace wherever he goes. The warrior within only allows for peace in any space he enters. Winning follows naturally as Sid transforms every part of his life to mirror that of Divine perfection. He's won as an internationally bestselling author of seven life-changing books. He's won as a football and life coach who guides NFL players into successful lives during and after football. And he wins as a warrior monk leader on the stage and in the yoga studio. In cultivating "The Art of Peaceful Living" community alongside his twin flame, love of his life, and wife Liz, Sid offers the world a lighthouse for self-discovery grounded in the power of peace. He is a living testament to all he teaches, showing the world with his daily words and accomplishments, "Peace is the power to live by. Win at everything!"
To learn more about Sid, you can visit SidMcNairy.com or follow his Instagram and Facebook
Liz McNairy
Leading with heart, Liz creates the space for all in her presence to connect with their higher selves. Like her husband and spiritual co-creator, Sid, she sees the very highest version of everyone she meets. Through her lens of love, Liz empowers people, especially the populations in the most need at this time--women and children. While her Masters has prepared her in many ways to act as a life-changing Counselor, her life experiences have built her into a woman who has overcome exactly what was needed in order to speak to the experiences of others and lend a hand up to the place of peace she has cultivated alongside her husband. They currently co-lead international training workshops and retreats centering on the empowerment of body, mind and spirit through yoga, meditation, dialogue and elevation. Liz continues to bring life-changing levels of love to complement the perfect peace her husband, Sid, brings to the world.
To learn more about Liz, you can follow her Instagram and Facebook