
When we first met, there was a recognition, a familiarity, an understanding of the truth of Sid McNairy. A man of deep spiritual beliefs, a man of deep faith, and a man who had “been through it” in this incarnation. Sid also projected deep and powerful energy as a man of healing. He is a man of compassion, and a man of truth. We became friends instantly, and I am deeply honored to write the foreword for his new book, The Secret Weapon.

Applying the techniques from my dear friend Sid’s book will create changes within you and create changes within your life. Also, critical in the world today, you will assist in the vital change in your energy and the energy you project into the collective consciousness, at a time when all our futures are at stake.

Rob Wergin Conduit of Divine Energy From the Documentary Heal


Val Cook’s Recount

Meah’s Testimony


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