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40 Days of Peace...

  • Art of Peaceful Living Jacksonville Beach United States (map)

40 Days of Peace

A much needed shift. Join in:

40 days of Peace.

Step in by removing all things that take your algorithm away from peace in life and on Social Media. This is about consciously choosing what elevates your life and others.

  1. 40 days practice peace

  2. 40 days get your community active shift the algorithm. Remove Social Media that takes your awareness from Peace and Love.

  3. On the last day of February come in and expand the peace with the Art of Peaceful Living Community - 1:00pm ET - 2:15pm ET via zoom

  4. Check in Tuesdays and Fridays during Living the Practice while Living the Dream - 8:00am ET Tuesday and Friday

5 days meditation System to guide your start: Click here to start your four days.

Join Us on YouTube


333 Words to Peace

  • Peace is the power to live by.

  • I am at peace.

  • I commit to peace with every breath that I take.

  • Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.

  • Like nature, peace resides in the stillness of my mind.

  • I inhale peace and exhale love, he who brings peace, sees God’s love increase.

  • I move beyond the temptations of the world and find peace right here now.

  • Peace is the power to live by.

  • I am at peace

  • I commit to peace with every breath that I take.

  • Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.

  • Peace is my commitment for peace blesses all.

  • May my peace be felt for all humans in eternity.

  • May all warriors come and hold steadfast as peace prevails on earth.

  • Peace is the power to live by.

  • I am at peace.

  • I commit to peace with every breath that I take.

  • Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.

  • My nature is peace because I am peace.

  • I go in and find peace.

  • I was born from peace. I will return to peace.

  • Peace is the power to live by.

  • I am at peace.

  • I commit to peace with every breath that I take.

  • Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.

  • My choice is my own and I choose peace.

  • Your choice is yours and I invite you in peace.

  • May we find peace together.

  • Peace is the power to live by.

  • I am at peace.

  • I commit to peace with every breath that I take.

  • Peace resides inside. May it awaken in me where all will be free.

  • May the trumpet sound as I am called home to peace.

  • Peace is my mission; so peace it shall be.

  • I am the answer to the prayers of those before me. May this prayer be answered for eternity.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti!

Peace, peace, peace!



333 words

February 22

Frequent Tea

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