Get Better! Be Better! Stay Better! Live it in every way!
Transformation is possible! Are you ready to receive it?
Are you open to what is possible for you?
What is it?
The Healing Circle is an opportunity for people of all ages to come and experience transformation and and entering flow. When in the Healing Circle, Sid will help uplift your spirit by creating an environment for peace, meditation, and inspiration to occur to lift your spirit. During this time through meditation, and energy work you will have an opportunity to heal thy self and move forward in every way you desire..
During this experience you will use the following to discover how to create and live the life you of your dreams : Meditate, receive energy work, relaxation, and breath.
It is your connection to the infinite source that will allow you to access a pure connection to all that is possible for you.
Who is Sid McNairy
Sid McNairy has been helping people achieve peace in their life for many years. Sid has taken the time to align himself to a vibration of healing himself that allows him to connect to the divine. Through his connection to the divine Sid is able to help others come into this same connection that transforms all dis-ease into peace and love. By aligning your energy to the divine you will be free it is up to you and we can all use a helping hand.
Come work with Sid and experience a transformation of your personal energy to one of being healed.